Protests and walkouts to demand that the corporate fast food chain join the Fair Food Program


Protests and walkouts to demand that the corporate fast food chain join the Fair Food Program

In recent years, farmworkers have staged protests and hunger strikes demanding that corporate fast-food chain Wendy’s join the Fair Food Program.

The Fair Food Program was launched in 2011 by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida, to ensure workers are involved in enforcing, monitoring, and designing programs to protect them in their workplaces.

Wendy’s major competitors Burger King, McDonald’s, Subway, Chipotle and Yum Brands, which operate Taco Bell and KFC, joined the Fair Food Program at least a decade ago.

Cruz Salucio, a farmworker in Florida and staff member of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) explained that most consumers doesn´t know where the products they buy in supermarkets or use in restaurants come from and the conditions of work experienced by employees to bring food products to your table.

The Food Program is a solution to change abusive practices in the main supply chains of corporations.

“Farmworkers across the country and outside of the Fair Food Program find themselves vulnerable to many abuses, including heat stress, physical violence, and health and safety risks. Without enforcement and control, these abuses will continue to thrive,” Salucio added.

On the other hand, a spokesperson for the food chain reported that “Wendy’s does not participate in the Fair Food Program because there is no link between the program and the supply chain.”

the spokesman said in a statement. “Wendy’s has sourced its supply of North American tomatoes exclusively from indoor hydroponic greenhouse farms, while the Fair Food Program operates predominantly in conventional outdoor tomato-growing environments.

Wendy’s explanation was criticized, citing that they could change the supplies to those used in the Fair Food Program or bring their current supplies to the program. They also criticized Wendy’s audits as voluntary and inadequate due to a lack of input from workers and a lack of compliance history.


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